Ever dreamed of a beautifully organised wardrobe? I have, and am tackling this job right now having been inspired by the latest
Lonny mag issue, full of great advice.

Step 1. select every thing I no longer wear, suits me, fits me properly or is just not me. Put it in two bags. One to go directly to charity the second is for things I am not sure about. After 12 months if I have not used them I will dispose of then.
Step 2 pull out everything that needs mending altering, special cleaning.
Step 3 put away all winter coats and bulky items in vacuum bags until I need them again.
Step 4. I have just bought some fabulous drawer dividers for all my scarves, belts and smalls to help keep things in check and ensure I can find them in a flash.
Step 5. I have also found lovely clear plastic shoe boxes from Aldi and will throw out all my old shoe boxes and replace with these so I can actually see them.
Now that should keep me busy.....